Envision your company being mentioned in news stories, trending on social media, and getting suggested in casual talks without investing a single dollar in advertisements. 

We refer to this magic as earned media. Reaching your audience is not as important as converting them into passionate brand advocates who tell others about your company and advocate it to their networks. What was the outcome? 

An unaffordable increase in reputation and prominence.

Understanding Earned Media

Although the concept of earned media is not new, the emergence of digital platforms has substantially evolved its definition. Earned media has historically been used to describe any exposure or publicity your brand receives from newspaper coverage or word-of-mouth rather than paid advertising. 

It encompasses social media mentions, online reviews, and digital news coverage in the current digital era. Sincerity makes earned media appealing to likelier consumers to believe recommendations from other sources than content that promotes itself.

Another term for earned media is “free media,” highlighting that this “Free media” is another name for earned media, emphasizing that this exposure is gained via your brand’s interaction and efforts rather than being paid. This is in contrast to owned media, where you own the material on your channels, and paid media, where you pay for advertising space.

The Role of Paid, Owned, and Earned Media

Each type of media—paid, owned, and earned—has a distinct function in digital marketing. By investing money in sponsorships or advertisements, paid media allows you total control over the placement and message. 

Email marketing, social media profiles, and websites you own and manage are examples of owned media. Conversely, earned media is what other people say about your brand. It’s the unpaid, natural publicity you get when people talk about your business or share your content.

The Time Investment

It takes time to achieve earned media success. Earned media demands constant work in developing connections, producing quality content, and interacting with your audience, in contrast to the instant satisfaction of bought advertisements. 

Approximately 11% of the advertising budgets of major corporations are allocated to initiatives that facilitate earned media. This is an investment in creating opportunities that result in free, worthwhile exposure rather than a direct expense.

Why Earned Media Matters

The capacity of earned media to establish and uphold credibility and trust is where its real power resides. Earned media is more credible than self-promotion because it is a third-party endorsement. 

Research indicates that suggestions from other individuals are considerably more trusted than sponsored advertisements. Compared to sponsored digital channels like banner ads and search ads, recommendations are 50% more trustworthy.

Measuring Earned Media Value (EMV)

Although calculating earned media value (EMV) can be difficult, doing so is essential to comprehending the significance of earned media. Even if an exact measurement is challenging, EMV aids in brands’ assessment of the success of their earned media initiatives. This could involve monitoring social media reach from earned media efforts, website traffic, or new leads.

Examples of Earned Media

Earned media can take many forms:

For example, a well-optimized blog post that ranks high in search results can be seen as earned media, as it’s not paid for but is valuable content that users find and share organically.

Strategies for Earning Media Attention

Here’s how to harness the power of earned media effectively:

Create Shareable Content

Craft content that’s compelling and worth sharing. Be original, evoke emotions, and add value. For instance, a heartwarming story or a surprising fact can make your content stand out.

Tell Engaging Brand Stories

Develop narratives that captivate journalists and your audience. For example, if you’re a startup with eco-friendly packaging, focus not just on your product but on your mission and the story behind it.

Prioritize Customer Satisfaction

Happy customers are your best advocates. Positive experiences lead to glowing reviews and word-of-mouth referrals. Ensure your customers are satisfied and encourage them to share their experiences.

Drive Organic Traffic

Invest in SEO to improve your visibility in search engine results. High-quality, relevant content increases your chances of being found and shared.

Connect Social Media and Earned Media

Leverage social media to amplify your earned media. Share positive mentions, engage with your followers, and create content tailored for each platform.

Build Media Relationships

Cultivate relationships with journalists and local publications. Regularly send press releases and keep them informed about your brand’s updates.

Engage Influencers

Find influencers who resonate with your brand’s values. They can help promote your brand to their audience, boosting your reach and credibility.

Executing Earned Media Tactics

Implement these tactics to drive earned media success:

Tools and Resources

Utilize these tools to enhance your earned media efforts:

Final Considerations

Earned media is a long game. Stay true to your brand, monitor trends, and respect user privacy. Keep learning and adapting to stay ahead in the ever-evolving digital marketing landscape.

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